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Stay In The Know:

And so it begins.

Hello blogging world! I hope this blog serves as a way to stay connected with friends and family back in the States. For those of you who don’t know, I have moved from IL to Bonne Fin, Haiti. ACWR runs a hospital here and I will soon be teaching children of missionaries that work there.

This past week I was grateful to have my sister and parents here to help me settle into my new home. It has been a crazy whirlwind that has been physically and emotionally draining. There have been times this week when I have asked: “What in the WORLD was I thinking? Jesus, I think I got my wires crossed somewhere. If it’s alright with you, I’ll head on back to normal and familiar instead of staying here where it’s just sooooooo different. ‘K?”

But for some reason, God just keeps saying He’s got this and He has me right where He wants me for His kingdom use. “OK God, I will trust You and stay no matter how bad my female emotions flare up. But I WILL kill that spider in my living room and catch the gecko on my dining room wall!” Side note: I did find a gecko in my bedroom- my BEDROOM! If everyone would please pray that the rather large fellow found his way out of my house it would be appreciated. He may be cute in the commercials but definitely not in my personal living space.

Thank you THANK YOU to everyone who has kept me in their prayers! It has been a tough week (tougher than I had ever imagined) but I know that it is God’s grace and your prayers that have comforted me. I humbly plead that the prayer support would continue.

Now to introduce you to my home away from home! Introducing you to Cay 7! There are a few changes I would like to make but I couldn’t wait to share some pictures of the highlights!

View from my gate. Note the gator on the driveway is MY gator. If you ever visit, I promise I will give you a ride- getting to drive it has been rather interesting to say the least :)

View from my front door looking into my living room and dining room.

View from the dining room into my living room.

View from the dining room into the kitchen.

View from the hall into the kitchen. Notice the Keurig- Jesus and a little piece of the States is just what I need to start my day right!

My house is slowly starting to feel like a home… SLOWLY :) I am learning that transition does not happen overnight but is a process that needs to be taken one day at a time. I am expecting an emotional rollercoaster. I guess all I can do is hang on and enjoy the ride!

If you feel so inclined, I do have a few prayer requests :)

  1. Wisdom in starting and maintaining a few important and necessary relationships with the local Haitian people.

  2. Patience, perseverance, and a miracle in language learning.

  3. Grace during this time of transition.

  4. No more dead or alive geckoes in Cay 7.

Happy Sunday!

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