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Stay In The Know:

God's Plan for Little J

At the hospital, I have had the privilege to meet a young individual named Jocelyn. This seven(ish) year old boy has affected and changed my life in ways that I still do not fully comprehend. One thing I know to be true is my life is forever altered because of him. Before I get mushy-gushy, here are the hard facts about Jocelyn’s life that we know of.

Jocelyn came to the hospital in January 2015. He was malnourished, had TB, and is HIV positive. A congenital heart defect was also discovered. It seemed the chances of his survival were slim. Jocelyn received care at the hospital and by God’s grace, started to make strides toward recovery. He is still a very sick little boy, but he could leave the hospital if he had someone to care for him. Sadly, Jocelyn's family unit was unable to take care of him and could not be responsible for all of his on-going medical needs.

So Jocelyn has made his home in the pediatric ward at the hospital. The hospital laundry ladies bathe and feed him as well as some of the patients. While many of the visitors and patients are kind to him, there are others that are cruel and often make Jocelyn the butt of many jokes.

During my time here, I have had the honor of visiting and playing with Jocelyn on a regular basis. He is a bright spot in my day and I love spending quality time with him. He is like any typical seven-year-old boy…he likes trains, cars, coloring, driving in the gators, getting into trouble, and tickle fights. Luckily for me, Jocelyn is also a cuddly little buddy. He often will lay in my lap and if I rock for just a bit, he falls asleep :) These are many precious moments in which I have the privilege to shower him with the love and attention he so desperately needs and wants.

As much as I love this little boy, I know a hospital is NOT the place for Jocelyn to grow and thrive. He needs a place where he will receive love, attention, and learn about his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It has been the prayer of our missionary family that a home like this could be found for Jocelyn. And praise God!! It seems that our prayers are being answered.

It started back in November. A group of pastors’ wives from a nearby city (Les Cayes) were planning to come to the Bonne Fin area to hand out tracts and evangelize for a week. Before coming, one of the wives had a dream. She dreamt when she arrived at the hospital, she would see a child in need of their help. When she actually got to the hospital, she met Jocelyn and she knew God had sent that group of ladies to help him find a home.

After some searching, there is a great possibility they have found a home for Jocelyn. A pastor family from Les Cayes is willing to take him in and give him the care he needs. We are beyond thrilled and full of thanksgiving for this gift the Father has bestowed upon Jocelyn and our missionary family! God’s provision and faithfulness has once again been proven true.

The family is in need of funds to add on to their home to accommodate Jocelyn. And this is where all you wonderful people come in :) If you are willing to donate to this cause, please send a check payable to “AC HarvestCall” with “Patient Charity Fund” in the memo. Checks can be sent to the following address:

Hopital Lumiere

P.O. Box 227

Eureka, IL 61530

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support on behalf of Jocelyn and myself. Pray that the plan for J can be accomplished and he is placed, pray for his health and physical strength, pray for the pastor’s family in Les Cayes, and pray J can grow in the knowledge of his Lord and Savior and someday, he can surrender his life to the service of the King.

Throughout this journey, I have been a privileged participant in watching God’s beautiful plan for Jocelyn’s life unfold. It is the story of redemption in real life. We are all like J: born into a cruel and dark world and in need of salvation and hope. And just like He has for J, God has a plan for you and me.

There are days that we want to give up, that we are sick of the waiting. We want to say, “Why me, Lord? Why this little boy that is a victim of a cruel and sinful world? Do I really have a purpose in this crazy, messed up world?” But it is through those times that we CANNOT lose hope, we CANNOT quit giving thanks, and we CANNOT lose our joy. Because just when we are about to throw in the towel, the day comes when the light bulb turns on and we realize God has been with us in the trenches the whole time. We realize God is bringing redemption to our lives and He reveals to us just a little bit more of His great, cosmic plan.

And it is those times when the veil is lifted slightly from our eyes that we are encouraged to keep going: stronger in the Father, more united with each other in the Spirit, and more eager for the day when we see Jesus face to face and His perfect work has been completed in our lives.

Love and blessings to all!!

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

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